A Professional tour guide in Siem Reap Angkor Cambodia

Address: Wat Damnak Commune, Salakamreok village, Siem Reap City, Cambodia.​ WhatsApp: +855 97 90000 85 Tel: +855 12 87 85 18, +855 96 90000 10; +855 97 90000 85 ;  E-mail:;; website:


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 Home » Siem Reap Tour Guide » 1 Day Itinerary To Temple Tour

1 Day itinerary tours

-          + In the Morning → the Angkor wat temple → Banteay Kdey temple → Sras Srong → Ta Prom Temple → Ta Keo temple → Chausay Tevada and Thoma Noun temple → Angkor wat Thom City ( Boyon temple → Phimean Akas temple → Baphoun temple → Terrast of Elephant → Terrst Of the Leper king ,

One Day tours 001tuk tuk Car a/c Van a/c
   One Day tours 001.....? .....? ......?

1 Day itinerary tours

-       + In the Morning → the Angkor wat temple → Angkor wat Thom City ( Boyon temple → Phimean Akas temple → Baphoun temple → Terrast of Elephant → Terrst Of the Leper king → Preah Khan temple → Neak Pean temple → Ta Som temple → East Mebon tempe → Pre Rup temple → Banteay Kdey temple → Sras Srong → Ta Prom Temple 

One Day tours 002tuk tuk Car a/c Van a/c
   Code 002......? ......? ......?


+ 1 Day itinerary tours

-      + In the Morning → the Angkor wat temple → Banteay Kdey temple → Sras Srong → Ta Prom Temple → Ta Keo temple → Chausay Tevada and Thoma Noun temple → Angkor wat Thom City ( Boyon temple → Phimean Akas temple → Baphoun temple → Terrast of Elephant → Terrst Of the Leper king → Banteay Srey temple ( Women temple 38km ) .

1 Day tours 003tuk tuk Car a/c Van a/c
   1 Day tours 003.......? .....? ......?

+ 1 Day itinerary tours

-          + In the Morning → the Angkor wat temple → Banteay Kdey temple → Sras Srong → Ta Prom Temple → Ta Keo temple → Chausay Tevada and Thoma Noun temple → Angkor wat Thom City ( Boyon temple → Phimean Akas temple → Baphoun temple → Terrast of Elephant → Terrst Of the Leper king → A great Lake ( Tonle Sap Lake and Floating village . 

1 Day tours 004tuk tuk Car a/c Van a/c
  1 Day tours 004.......? ......? ......?

Express contact : +(855) ..................

Note my service  

+ Include free service → Cold small water → cold small towel → Hand phone for contact .

+ exclusion service → Angkor wat ticket → Foods → Tours guide

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Address: Wat Damnak Commune, Salakamreok village, Siem Reap City, Cambodia. WhatsApp: +855 97 90000 85 Tel: +855 12 87 85 18, +855 96 90000 10; +855 97 90000 85 ;  E-mail:;; website: